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Convocatorias Programa Fondo Europeo de Defensa
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Sistema de sistemas inteligentes funcionales bajo un enfoque de supervivencia integral para futuras plataformas navales ( EDF-2024-DA-NAVAL-FNP)
Objective:Evolving operational environment and threats require the development of cutting-edge maritime technologies, solutions, and systems, which should be able to operate interconnected in a fully integrated way under challenging multi-domain (i.e., land, aerial, surface, ...
Simulación y entrenamiento para emergencias médicas. ( EDF-2024-DA-SIMTRAIN-STME-STEP)
Objective:Medical (support) personnel often have limited access to extensive Prolonged Field Care (PFC) training due to a wide variety of factors. Studies to evaluate hospital preparedness have shown that good response plans can be developed for complex medical training ...
Forma de onda segura para comunicaciones por satélite ( EDF-2024-DA-SPACE-EPW-STEP)
Objective:In today’s military applications supported by satellite communications, security, information assurance and link efficiency are inextricably linked. Military operations are becoming more complex as conflict areas grow more dispersed on a global scale, with a growing ...
Sistema autónomo de barrido de minas pesadas. ( EDF-2024-DA-UWW-AHMS)
Objective:Uncrewed systems are a familiar asset in naval capabilities, and they are being increasingly adopted. These types of assets and the technologies that go with them have the potential to offer a diverse mission set, minesweeping being one of them. The maritime drones and ...
Acciones de desarrollo no temáticas por parte de las PYMES ( EDF-2024-LS-DA-SME-NT)
Objective:This call topic encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs to turn technology and research results into defence products in a fast and cost-efficient way, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare. Scope:The proposals ...
Integración multisensor para una navegación robusta y autónoma con drones: organización de un desafío tecnológico ( EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SENS-RADNO)
Objective:The proposals must address the organisation of a technological challenge on autonomous drone navigation in non-permissive environments based on the preliminary evaluation plan provided as part of the call documents (cf. Annex 4a). This includes the collection of data ...
Integración multisensor para una navegación robusta y autónoma con drones: participación en un desafío tecnológico ( EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SENS-RADNP)
Objective:To fulfil their missions, the next generation of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are expected to offer an increased level of autonomy. Their effective deployment necessitates key features of swarming and navigation to target positions when GNSS availability is contested ...
Análisis de imágenes satelitales de múltiples fuentes – Organización de un desafío tecnológico ( EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SPACE-MSIAO)
Objective:The objective evaluation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as those used for satellite image analysis, requires a specific organisation whereby systems are tested on datasets that are new to the systems (blind testing), but that are representative of ...
Análisis de imágenes satelitales de múltiples fuentes – Participación en un desafío tecnológico ( EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SPACE-MSIAP)
Objective:Imagery analysis and in particular satellite image analysis is an important component of defence intelligence. It enables to gather strategic and operational information on facilities, vehicles and forces on the ground and on the seas with a good geographic coverage ...
Acciones de investigación no temáticas dirigidas a tecnologías disruptivas para la defensa ( EDF-2024-LS-RA-DIS-NT)
Objective:The specific challenge is to lay the foundations for radically new future technologies of any kind with unexpected impact that aims to bring radical technological superiority over potential adversaries. This topic also encourages the driving role of new actors in ...
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