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Método de producción orgánica ( AGRIP-MULTI-2024-IM-ORGANIC)
Scope:The objective is to increase the awareness and recognition of the Union quality scheme on organic production.Information and promotion programmes on the Union quality scheme on organic production method should be a key priority in the internal market since this scheme ...
Unión agricultura sostenible y bienestar animal ( AGRIP-MULTI-2024-IM-SUSTAINABLE)
Scope:The objective is to highlight the sustainability of Union agriculture, stressing its beneficial role for the climate, the environment and animal welfare.The production method(s) of the promoted product(s) shall cover at least two of the areas of actions listed in Article ...
Información y promoción en cualquier tercer país. ( AGRIP-MULTI-2024-TC-ALL)
Scope:The information and promotion programmes shall target one or several third countries.The objectives of these programmes shall comply with the general and specific objectives set out and the aims listed in Articles 2 and 3, respectively of Regulation (EU) No 1144/2014 ...
Productos ecológicos conforme al sistema de calidad de la Unión O agricultura sostenible y bienestar animal de la Unión en cualquier tercer país ( AGRIP-MULTI-2024-TC-ORG-SUST)
Scope:- The objective is to increase the awareness and recognition of the Union quality scheme on organic production.Information and promotion programmes on the Union quality scheme on organic production method should be a key priority since this scheme provides consumers with ...
Métodos agrícolas y productos alimentarios europeos, y sistemas de calidad. ( AGRIP-SIMPLE-2024-IM-CHARACTERISTICS)
Scope:The objective is to highlight at least one of the specific features of agricultural production methods in the Union, particularly in terms of food safety, traceability, authenticity, labelling, nutritional and health aspects, animal welfare, respect for the environment and ...
Sistemas de calidad de la Unión ( AGRIP-SIMPLE-2024-IM-EU-QS)
Scope:The objective is to increase the awareness and recognition of the Union quality schemes, namely:(a) quality schemes: protected designation of origin (PDO), protected geographical indication (PGI), traditional specialty guaranteed (TSG) and optional quality terms;(b) the ...
Frutas y hortalizas en el mercado interior en el contexto de unas prácticas alimentarias equilibradas y saludables. ( AGRIP-SIMPLE-2024-IM-FRESH-FV)
Scope:The Commission is committed to promoting balanced and healthy dietary practices14. Actions shall highlight the benefits of consuming fresh fruit and vegetables in a balanced diet. The messages could notably focus on: aiming at having at least 5 portions of a variety of ...
Régimen de calidad de la Unión sobre el método de producción ecológica ( AGRIP-SIMPLE-2024-IM-ORGANIC)
Scope:The objective is to increase the awareness and recognition of the Union quality scheme on organic production.Information and promotion programmes on the Union quality scheme on organic production method should be a key priority in the internal market since this scheme ...
Unión agricultura sostenible y bienestar animal ( AGRIP-SIMPLE-2024-IM-SUSTAINABLE)
Scope:The objective is to highlight the sustainability of Union agriculture, stressing its beneficial role for the climate, the environment and animal welfare.The production method(s) of the promoted product(s) shall cover at least two of the areas of actions listed in Article ...
Soporte para programas simples dirigidos a Canadá, EE. UU. o México ( AGRIP-SIMPLE-2024-TC-AMERICAS)
Scope:The objectives of these programmes shall comply with the general and specific objectives set out and the aims listed in Articles 2 and 3, respectively, of Regulation (EU) No 1144/2014 highlighting in particular the specific features of agricultural production methods in ...
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