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Convocatorias europeas sobre Economía, Empresa, Empleo y Energía
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Ecosistema europeo de identidad digital y confianza (estándares y ejemplos de implementación) ( DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-TECH-06-TRUST)
ExpectedOutcome:DeliverablesSupport for two successive waves of large-scale pilotsto test the deployment of the EU Digital Identity Wallet in priority use cases, including pilots using EBSI to support the EU Digital Identity Wallet in cross border use cases, deploying the EU ...
Redes de Electricidad, Gas, Smart Grids, Hidrógeno y CO₂ - Estudios ( CEF-E-2024-PCI-PMI-STUDIES)
ExpectedOutcome:This topic aims to enable PCIs and PMIs to be implemented within the framework of the deployment of trans-European networks in the energy sector. In particular, the call shall contribute to supporting energy infrastructure PCIs and PMIs that have significant ...
Redes de Electricidad, Gas, Smart Grids, Hidrógeno y CO₂ - Obras ( CEF-E-2024-PCI-PMI-WORKS)
ExpectedOutcome:This topic aims to enable Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMis) to be implemented within the framework of the deployment of trans-European networks in the energy sector. In particular, the call shall contribute to supporting ...
Red empresarial europea ( SMP-COSME-2024-EEN-01)
ExpectedOutcome:Increased number of SMEs linked with other entities across Europe and beyond for cross-border business cooperation, technology and knowledge transfer and technology and innovation partnerships;Increased number of SMEs aware of sustainability challenges and ...
Premio a la Innovación Nuclear 2025: Protección Radiológica ( EURATOM-2024-NUCLEAR-Prize-RP)
Scope:Euratom-funded research in fission that encompasses radioactive waste management, safety of reactor systems and radiation protection benefits from consistent success in pursuing excellence across a broad range of nuclear science and technologies. Researchers and engineers ...
Premio a la Innovación Nuclear 2025: Seguridad del sistema de reactores ( EURATOM-2024-NUCLEAR-Prize-RSS)
Specific Challenge:Euratom-funded research in fission that encompasses radioactive waste management, safety of reactor systems and radiation protection benefits from consistent success in pursuing excellence across a broad range of nuclear science and technologies. Researchers ...
Premio a la Innovación Nuclear 2025: Gestión de Residuos Radiactivos ( EURATOM-2024-NUCLEAR-Prize-RWM)
Scope:Euratom-funded research in fission that encompasses radioactive waste management, safety of reactor systems and radiation protection benefits from consistent success in pursuing excellence across a broad range of nuclear science and technologies. Researchers and engineers ...
Rendimiento energético de los edificios: hacer que la renovación sea más rápida, más profunda, más inteligente y basada en servicios y datos ( LIFE-2024-CET-BETTERRENO)
Objective:This topic contributes to the goals of the EU Renovation Wave strategy[1] and aims to help implement current and future buildings policies, notably in view of the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), but considering as well aspects of the New ...
BUILD UP Skills – Intervenciones de mejora y recapacitación para impulsar la descarbonización ( LIFE-2024-CET-BUILDSKILLS)
Objective:Launched in 2011, the BUILD UP Skills initiative[1] is supporting the upskilling of building professionals across Europe, to deliver building renovations offering high energy performance as well as new nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEBs). This effort needs to be ...
Apoyar la transición energética limpia de las empresas europeas ( LIFE-2024-CET-BUSINESS)
Objective:Engaging businesses in the clean energy transition and reducing their domestic footprint is central for the European Green Deal and to deliver on the Fit-for-55 package and the REPowerEU Plan to phase-out EU dependence on Russian fossil fuel imports. It is also ...
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