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Programa LIFE+ 2021-2027
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Convocatorias Programa LIFE+ 2021-2027
Imprimir listado
Gobernanza e información climática ( LIFE-2024-SAP-CLIMA-GOV)
ExpectedOutcome:Efficient delivery of the quantified objectives by end of the project Objective:LIFE Climate Change Governance and Information aims at supporting the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the Union legislation and policy on climate change, ...
Economía Circular, recursos de Residuos, Aire, Agua, Suelo, Ruido, Productos Químicos, Bauhaus ( LIFE-2024-SAP-ENV-ENVIRONMENT)
Objective:The aim is to facilitate the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy-efficient/climate-resilient economy and toward a toxic-free environment as well as to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.The specific objective is to ...
Gobernanza ambiental ( LIFE-2024-SAP-ENV-GOV)
Objective:The aim is to facilitate the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy-efficient/climate-resilient economy and toward a toxic-free environment as well as to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.The specific objective is to ...
Gobernanza de la naturaleza ( LIFE-2024-SAP-NAT-GOV)
Objective:To contribute to the protection of nature and biodiversity by:Supporting nature and biodiversity policy and legislation compliance assurance, and/orPromoting effective public participation and access to justice in nature and biodiversity policy and legislation-related ...
Naturaleza y Biodiversidad ( LIFE-2024-SAP-NAT-NATURE)
Objective:To contribute to European Union objectives for the protection, maintenance and restoration of the Union’s natural capital in its marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Scope:The present Call topic targets Standard Action Projects (SAP) aimed at achieving the ...
Proyectos Estratégicos Integrados - Acción Climática ( LIFE-2024-STRAT-CLIMA-SIP-two-stage)
Objective:Support the full implementation of the following strategies and plans:National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP, Regulation on the governance of the energy union and climate action (EU)2018/1999).National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAP).National or regional ...
Proyectos Integrados Estratégicos - Medio Ambiente ( LIFE-2024-STRAT-ENV-SIP-two-stage)
Objective:Support the full implementation of the following plans and strategies:Circular Economy: National or Regional Circular Economy Action Plans, Strategies, Roadmaps or similar, which are officially approved, and which include specific and measurable actions, or targets, ...
Proyectos Estratégicos de Naturaleza ( LIFE-2024-STRAT-NAT-SNAP-two-stage)
Objective: Support the full implementation of the following plans and strategies: Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF) pursuant to Article 8 of Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (the Habitats Directive); ...
Asistencia Técnica preparación de CLIMA SIPs ( LIFE-2024-TA-PP-CLIMA-SIP)
Scope:Provides financial support for the preparation of a proposal for a Strategic Integrated Project under the sub-programme for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in order to implement- National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) including Long-Term Strategies (LTS), ...
Asistencia Técnica preparación de ENV SIPs ( LIFE-2024-TA-PP-ENV-SIP)
Scope:Provides financial support for the preparation of a proposal for a Strategic Integrated Project under the sub-programme Circular Economy and Quality of Life in the areas of Circular Economy, Waste, Water and Air, in order to implement- National or regional Circular Economy ...
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