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Sanidad y Seguridad Alimentaria
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Convocatorias europeas sobre Sanidad y Seguridad Alimentaria
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Convocatoria de propuestas para apoyar la integración de imágenes del cáncer en la infraestructura paneuropea federada para fomentar los programas de detección - CR-g-24-37 ( EU4H-2024-PJ-02-1)
Objective:The action will provide enabling support for cancer imaging data providers, to contribute to and benefit from the European Cancer Imaging Initiative.The action will improve readiness of national, regional or local imaging data repositories to connect and make available ...
Convocatoria de propuestas para aumentar la alfabetización sanitaria para la prevención y atención del cáncer - CR-g-24-39 ( EU4H-2024-PJ-02-2)
Objective:The main objective of this action is to support health literacy for cancer prevention and care, to improve health literacy and to focus on reducing inequalities in cancer prevention and care.This action supports the implementation of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan ...
Convocatoria de propuestas sobre el desarrollo de servicios sociales de apoyo psicosocial y rehabilitación para niños y sus familias en clínicas de oncología pediátrica en los Estados miembros y países asociados al Programa EU4Health - CR-g-24-43 ( EU4H-2024-PJ-02-3)
Objective:The main objective of this action is to create a service in paediatric oncology clinics that will support children and their families during cancer treatment, by providing the necessary psychological and social support to infants, children, adolescents, and young ...
Convocatoria de propuestas sobre la red de la UE de jóvenes supervivientes de cáncer - CR-g-24-45 ( EU4H-2024-PJ-02-4)
Objective:This action supports the implementation of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to support childhood cancer and implements the EU4Health Programme’s general objective to improve and foster health in the Union (Article 3, point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2021/522) through ...
Convocatoria de propuestas sobre el Centro Europeo para el Desarrollo de Vacunas (HERA) - CP-g-24-10 ( EU4H-2024-PJ-01-1)
Objective:This action supports the policy priority to enhance crisis preparedness and response for future health emergencies in relation to medical countermeasures, with a focus on priority pathogens with pandemic potential. It implements the EU4Health Programme’s general ...
Convocatoria de propuestas para protección respiratoria de próxima generación (HERA) - CP-g-24-11 ( EU4H-2024-PJ-01-2)
Objective:Through this action, HERA will support the development of next-generation respiratory PPE that addresses and/or mitigates the above-mentioned issues (see section 1.2), ending a 30-year period of no significant innovation in the field and ultimately ensuring a more ...
Convocatoria de propuestas para apoyar tecnologías y procesos de fabricación innovadores en la Unión para la producción de medicamentos (HERA) - CP-g-24-12 ( EU4H-2024-PJ-01-3)
Objective:This action aims at supporting improved manufacturing technologies and processes that allow for a more effective, less expensive, easier to scale up, more sustainable and cleaner production of medicines in the Union. Innovations developed under this action should be ...
Convocatoria de propuestas para apoyar el desarrollo de nuevos antivirales (HERA) - CP-g-24-105 ( EU4H-2024-PJ-01-4)
Objective:This action supports the policy priority to be better prepared to respond to serious cross-border health threats. It contributes to the achievement of the EU4Health Programme’s general objective of protecting people in the Union from serious cross-border threats to ...
Foco en la plaga prioritaria de las plantas: el gusano cogollero (Spodoptera frugiperda) ( HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-03-1)
ExpectedOutcome:A successful proposal should support the farm to fork strategy to transition to fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food systems from primary production to consumption, notably the target to reduce by 50% the overall use and risk of chemical pesticides and ...
Co-creando soluciones para la salud del suelo en Living Labs ( HORIZON-MISS-2024-SOIL-01-01)
ExpectedOutcome:Activities under this topic respond directly to the goal of the Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe' of setting up 100 living labs and lighthouses to lead the transition to healthy soils by 2030. They support the specific objectives of the Mission ‘A Soil Deal ...
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