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Programa Europa Digital 2021-2027
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Convocatorias Europa Digital 2021-2027
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Ampliar las plataformas SOC transfronterizas existentes o lanzar nuevas ( DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07-SOCPLAT)
ExpectedOutcome:World-class cross-border SOC platforms across the Union for pooling data on cybersecurity threat between several Member States, equipped with a highly secure infrastructures and advanced data analytics tools for detecting, gathering and storing data on ...
Fortalecimiento del ecosistema SOC ( DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07-SOCSYS)
ExpectedOutcome:Events, workshops, stakeholder consultations, architectural designs and white papers on technical coordination and interconnection support platforms.Stronger links between public sector and industry SOCsTechnical frameworks to allow for information exchange ...
Centros de Competencia-Acción de Coordinación y Apoyo ( DIGITAL-Chips-2024-CSA-CCC-2)
ExpectedOutcome:Proposals should aim at supporting the networking among the Chips Competence Centres. Inparticular, it is expected to establish a communication platform, facilitate dialogue, promotethe objectives of the Centres, and organize outreach events and workshops. The ...
Centros de competencia ( DIGITAL-Chips-2024-SG-CCC-1)
ExpectedOutcome:The competence centres shallo promote the actions developed by the Chips JU in the frame of the Chips for Europe Initiative as well as the success stories.o be a first entry point for users (mainly SMEs and startups) and guide users in accessing the other ...
Ecosistema europeo de identidad digital y confianza (estándares y ejemplos de implementación) ( DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-TECH-06-TRUST)
ExpectedOutcome:DeliverablesSupport for two successive waves of large-scale pilotsto test the deployment of the EU Digital Identity Wallet in priority use cases, including pilots using EBSI to support the EU Digital Identity Wallet in cross border use cases, deploying the EU ...
Centros Nacionales de Competencia para Computación de Alto Rendimiento ( DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2024-NCC-02-01)
ExpectedOutcome:This action will extend the existing network of National Competence Centres for HPC (NCCs) currently funded by the EuroHPC JU in the EuroCC 2 project by additional National Competence Centres in EuroHPC Participating States that currently do not receive financial ...
Niñas y mujeres en lo digital ( DIGITAL-2024-ADVANCED-SKILLS-06-WOMEN)
ExpectedOutcome:Outcomes and deliverables A report identifying the main obstacles for girls and women in choosing career as ICT specialists, and showcasing practical, effective and feasible actions to increase the number of women in ICT. The report should also present the EU in ...
Acción preparatoria del Acelerador de Innovación en IA de la UE ( DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-INNOV)
ExpectedOutcome:Deliverables Harmonised frameworks, tools and infrastructure at European level to support compliance with the AI Act that have been tested in practice by under-resourced SMEs and public authorities.Provision of materials and training courses to support compliance ...
Sandboxes regulatorios de IA: coordinación y apoyo a nivel de la UE ( DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-SANDBOX)
ExpectedOutcome:DeliverablesCommon processes and tools for the operation of AI regulatory sandboxes under the AI Act, and the testing and supervision of a cohorts of projects at EU level.Common platform for sharing information, including a repository of all practices, lessons ...
Acción piloto para la creación de futuras instalaciones de ensayo de IA de la Unión ( DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-TESTAI)
ExpectedOutcome:DeliverablesThe main deliverables of the action should be:a tested and validated suite of testing procedures and tools to be used in a future full-scale UTF;training material for market surveillance authorities; recommendations for the long-term establishment of ...
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