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Programa Europa Digital 2021-2027
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Convocatorias Europa Digital 2021-2027
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Administraciones Públicas Innovadoras y Conectadas ( DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-06-INNOV-ADMIN)
ExpectedOutcome:Outcomes and deliverables:A sustainable multi-stakeholder collaboration scheme, including a solid set of committed stakeholders and a framework for engaging new stakeholders in future, in full alignment with the governance structure set by the Interoperable ...
Despliegues de referencia de servicios cloud-edge europeos (desarrollos industriales IoT Edge y Telco Edge) ( DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-EDGE)
ExpectedOutcome:Deliverables• Deployments and Implementation of Edge solutions evenly distributed across the European territory and demonstration of its use in key applications and sectors.• A robust strategic industrial cooperation in diverse Edge computing architectures ...
Espacio de datos energéticos ( DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-ENERSPACE)
ExpectedOutcome:Deliverables(Technical) infrastructures for the common European Energy Data Space covering all the building blocks mentioned above and addressing the identified use cases. Suitable business models that ensure the maintenance and upscaling of the common European ...
Espacio de datos del Pacto Verde Europeo ( DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-GREENDEAL)
ExpectedOutcome:DeliverablesAwarded proposal(s) are expected to deliver a fully operational Green Deal data space, including:• A GDDS governance mechanism;• A GDDS technical infrastructure for integrating applications and use-cases supporting the initial four focus areas ...
Apoyar el acceso de los pacientes a sus datos sanitarios en el contexto de los servicios sanitarios para los ciudadanos de toda la UE ( DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-HEALTHACCESS)
ExpectedOutcome:DeliverablesReview report with review, analysis, and mapping of precursor projects with standards, technologies, and digital solutions, justifying the chosen solution for broader adoption;Documentation on the deployment of the necessary NCPeHs, MyHealth@EU ...
Demostración del uso en el servicio del formato europeo de intercambio de registros médicos electrónicos (EEHRxF) en entornos sanitarios ( DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-HEALTHRECORD)
ExpectedOutcome:DeliverablesAnalysis of the challenges of the use of the structured electronic health data in real clinical settings and methods, processes, tools and/or technologies that can address these challenges;Implementation of the EEHRxF and of tools for structured data ...
Espacio común europeo de datos sobre movilidad ( DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-MOBSPACE)
ExpectedOutcome:DeliverablesEstablishment of a structure supporting the implementation of the objectives of this action and allowing collaboration beyond the duration of the project.Information exchange platform: A platform for sharing, primarily among participants in the action ...
Espacio de datos agrícolas (implementación) ( DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-AI-06-AGRISPACE)
ExpectedOutcome:Deliverables and expected outcome• Technical infrastructure for the Common European Agriculture Data Space • Data governance documentation, comprising a set of rules of legislative, administrative and contractual nature, that determine the rights to access, ...
Centro de competencia para 3D (implementación) ( DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-AI-06-COMPETENCE)
ExpectedOutcome:Deliverables and expected outcomeDuring the action, the project shall deliver: • Services, open tools, methodologies, best practices, etc. in a knowledge centre accessible by CHIs from the whole European Union, and demonstrate its significant impact on the ...
Más de 1 millón de genomas: sostenibilidad y aceptación ( DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-AI-06-GENOME)
ExpectedOutcome:Deliverables and expected outcome• Documentation agreed by Member States about ethical, legal, privacy-related and economic aspects of 1+MG implementation necessary to operate an EDIC on genomics.• Sustainability roadmap for the EDIC• Data on clinical ...
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