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Información Europea de Castilla y León
Información Europea de Castilla y León
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ExpectedOutcome:preparedness support servicesthreat assessment and risk assessment servicesrisk monitoring services Objective:This mechanism aims to complement and not duplicate efforts by Member States and those at Union level to increase the level of protection and resilience ...
ExpectedOutcome:World-class National SOCs across the Union, strengthened with state-of-the-art technology, acting as clearinghouses for detecting, gathering and storing data on cybersecurity threats, analysing this data, and sharing and reporting CTI, reviews and analyses.Threat ...
ExpectedOutcome:World-class cross-border SOC platforms across the Union for pooling data on cybersecurity threat between several Member States, equipped with a highly secure infrastructures and advanced data analytics tools for detecting, gathering and storing data on ...
Fortalecimiento del ecosistema SOC ( DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07-SOCSYS)
ExpectedOutcome:Events, workshops, stakeholder consultations, architectural designs and white papers on technical coordination and interconnection support platforms.Stronger links between public sector and industry SOCsTechnical frameworks to allow for information exchange ...
Centros de Competencia-Acción de Coordinación y Apoyo ( DIGITAL-Chips-2024-CSA-CCC-2)
ExpectedOutcome:Proposals should aim at supporting the networking among the Chips Competence Centres. Inparticular, it is expected to establish a communication platform, facilitate dialogue, promotethe objectives of the Centres, and organize outreach events and workshops. The ...
Centros de competencia ( DIGITAL-Chips-2024-SG-CCC-1)
ExpectedOutcome:The competence centres shallo promote the actions developed by the Chips JU in the frame of the Chips for Europe Initiative as well as the success stories.o be a first entry point for users (mainly SMEs and startups) and guide users in accessing the other ...
ExpectedOutcome:Project results are expected to contribute to all the following expected outcomes:roadmap identifying a clear path and plans for recovery and enhancement of the Ukrainian research infrastructure (RI) landscape, in line with the green and digital ...
Inversiones interregionales en innovación, capítulo 1 ( I3-2024-INV1)
Objective:Objective of this call for proposalsStrand 1 of the I3 instrument seeks to increase the competitiveness and the resilience of EU value chains on the basis of interregional cooperation and shared smart specialisation areas.The objective of the I3 Instrument Strand 1 ...
Inversiones interregionales en innovación, capítulo 2a ( I3-2024-INV2a)
Objective:Objective of this call for proposalsThis call is for Strand 2a and focuses on reinforcing the integration of innovation actors from less developed regions in developing EU value chains. The term “value chain” is associated with both, a set of interdependent ...
1. Eligible countries: as described in the Call document. 2. Eligibility and admissibility conditions: as described in the Call document. 3. Proposal page limits and layout: Please refer to Part B of the standard proposal template. 4. ...
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