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Información Europea de Castilla y León
Información Europea de Castilla y León
Erasmus para Jóvenes Emprendedores - convocatoria junior ( SMP-COSME-2024-EYEJR-01)
ExpectedOutcome:The approximate number of projects to be funded is between 5 and 10.The expected length of the projects to be funded is 36 months.The expected impact of the action are (by January 2028):Between 2,000 and 2,500 entrepreneurs matched;Around 2,000 entrepreneurs registered;Between 30 and 50 Intermediary Organisations involved in the implementation of the programme;Circa 20 countries covered;Rate of successful exchanges above 90% (entrepreneurs’ feedback). Scope:Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a mobility scheme that allows potential or newly established entrepreneurs to spend a period of time collaborating with an experienced entrepreneur in another participating country, including in the EU outermost regions.This mobility action aims to support transfer of entrepreneurial skills and ideas with the aim to promote entrepreneurship. It helps the entrepreneurs enrich their experiences as well as learn and network with entrepreneurs in other participating countries.This measure will expand and strengthen the existing network of Intermediary Organisations (IOs) that act as local contact points in participating countries by bringing in new organisations, with or without previous experience in implementing the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchange scheme. The IOs are in charge of recruiting and matching the entrepreneurs and facilitating the mobility actions. They also promote the programme and its benefits at local and national level.This action aims at providing complimentary projects to the ones financed under the call SMP-COSME-2021-EYE (larger projects) and will pay special attention to supporting entrepreneurs with digital and sustainable business models. Participation of entrepreneurs from underrepresented countries in the programme will also be encouraged through specific quantitative requirements.This action also aims at offering opportunities to entrepreneurs from SMP participating countries to foster an exchange of business knowledge and expertise in new destinations beyond SMP countries. 1. Eligible countries: as described in the Call document. 2. Eligibility and admissibility conditions: as described in the Call document. 3. Proposal page limits and layout: Please refer to Part B of the standard proposal template. 4. Evaluation: Evaluation criteria, scoring, threshold and process are described in the Call document. 5. Indicative timetable for evaluation and grant agreement: as described in the Call document. 6. Proposal templates, guidance and model grant agreements (MGA): Standard proposal template Call document Detailed budget template Mono/Multi-beneficiary Model Grant Agreement 7. Additional documents: Annual Work Programme Single Market Programme establishment act
Esta convocatoria cubre los siguientes temas:
Abierto para entidades legalmente constituidas y localizadas en alguna de las zonas de actuación de cualquiera de los siguientes tipos:
Las entidades u organizaciones que participen deberán disponer de su sede social en el ámbito geográfico siguiente:
La previsión de financiación comunitaria disponible para la convocatoria de propuestas es:
Para más información visita la página web de la convocatoria