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Información Europea de Castilla y León
Información Europea de Castilla y León
Asociación intersectorial de vivienda asequible ( SMP-COSME-2023-HOUS-01)
ExpectedOutcome:Expected results:Engage 35 new social and affordable housing districts in this project that are committed to providing opportunities to SMEs and other relevant stakeholders to participate in their renovation projects (as a reference, 20 districts are being supported in the first action).Provide support and capacity building to 2000 SMEs in the construction ecosystem (including housing industries), proximity and social economy ecosystem that are directly and indirectly involved in the renovation process of the districts.Support newly created project pipelines building on collaboration between SMEs and social and affordable housing sector (e.g. through public-private partnerships).Support SMEs providing Green, Digital and Social Service technologies adaptable for social/affordable housing sector applications (e.g. improving accessibility).Set-up of an efficient replication method (through blueprints) for the renovation of new lighthouse districts considering financial, regulatory, technical and participatory elements.Accelerate the twin (green and digital) transition of SMEs active in housing both in the construction ecosystem and in the proximity and social economy ecosystem, but also in the creative industries and renewable energy ecosystems. As depicted in the Flash Eurobarometer 498 on SMEs, green markets and resource efficiency of March 2022, 89% of SMEs are taking measures to be more resource-efficient although significant work remains to be done, notably in the proximity and social economy ecosystem.Accelerate the use of the newest technologies related to renovation and make these accessible for local SME’s from a skills and investment point of view. Scope:This action will contribute in particular to the green and digital transition of the construction and proximity and social economy industrial ecosystems. It will provide SMEs and relevant stakeholders from these ecosystems with opportunities to participate in lighthouse renovation projects for existing building stock. This, in view of ensuring the roll-out of the “Affordable Housing Initiative” (AHI) as set in the Renovation Wave, that aims to pilot 100 lighthouse renovation districts by 2030, in line with the principles and objectives of the New European Bauhaus. Under this action the Commission will support a European level cross-sectorial partnership (consortium), which will act as a central coordination, networking and capacity building hub between the lighthouse districts and SMEs active at local/regional level. This consortium will enhance and facilitate local public-private partnerships and SME engagement in the lighthouse renovation districts as a lever to boost their green, technological, and economic potential. The concept of ‘lighthouse districts’ provides significant opportunities to exchange expertise across the EU that will benefit directly and indirectly SMEs in different industrial ecosystems.A first call (SMP-COSME-2021-HOUS) targeted a preparatory approach to identify and support SMEs in the different stages of local district renovations. Key steps in the project development are identified and to be followed by tailored support (i.e. from design to construction, including technical, financial and regulatory aspects), each translated into guiding blueprints and mentor programmes to support and to further engage SMEs in large social and affordable housing renovation projects.As a reference, under the first phase of the action, 20 lighthouse districts are being supported. 1. Eligible countries: As described in the Call document. 2. Eligibility and admissibility conditions: As described in the Call document. 3. Proposal page limits and layout: Please refer to Part B of the standard proposal template. 4. Evaluation: Evaluation criteria, scoring, threshold and process are described in the Call document. 5. Indicative timetable for evaluation and grant agreement: As described in the Call document. 6. Proposal templates, guidance and model grant agreements (MGA): Standard proposal template Call document Detailed budget template Mono/Multi-beneficiary Model Grant Agreement 7. Additional documents: Annual Work Programme Single Market Programme establishment act
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