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Información Europea de Castilla y León
Información Europea de Castilla y León
Convocatoria de plataforma de diseño ( DIGITAL-Chips-2024-CSA-CDP-1)
Economía, Empresa, Empleo y Energia
ExpectedOutcome:This call concerns the selection of the consortium in charge of the overall coordination of the Design Platform, referred to as the Platform Coordination Team (PCT), which shall serve as the hosting entity for the Design Platform’s virtual infrastructure and central services, coordinating access to a wide range of tools, assets and services. The chosen implementation model foresees a central consortium, referred to as the Platform Coordination Team (PCT) that operates the overall Design Platform initiative, serves as the hosting entity of the central cloud infrastructure and manages the development of its users. The PCT shall assist the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) in defining the technical specifications of the cloud service for the platform to be procured by the Chips JU through a dedicated Call for Tenders. Following the procurement procedure, the PCT shall manage on behalf of the Chips JU the formal test, validation and delivery of the cloud-enabled platform and its integration in the broader Design Platform initiative. This shall be done in close cooperation with a selected service provider following the Call for Tenders for the procurement of the cloud service mentioned above. The PCT shall also be responsible for the further development and operationalisation of the Design Platform, in close cooperation with the selected service provider. It shall also be responsible for coordinating training, EDA tool and IP licensing support and the coordination of decentralised teams referred to as Design Enablement Teams (DETs). The selection of a consortium operating as the PCT is the purpose of this call. The PCT will be complemented by a number of DETs that shall set-up a cloud-based environment for users designing on the platform, support them in their design cycle and facilitate access of users to foundry services. The PCT shall provide the set of requirements that DETs must fulfil in order to apply for integration in the cloud-based platform. A call for the DETs shall follow at a later stage. Conditions The following info are all described in the Appendix 4 of the Chips JU Workprogramme 1. Admissibility conditions Proposal page limits 2. Eligible countries 3. Other eligibility conditions 4. Financial and operational capacity and exclusion 5. Evaluation and award Award criteria, scoring and thresholds Submission and evaluation processes Indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreement 6. Legal and financial set-up of the grants Documents Call documents: Call document : Design Platform Chips Ju Workprogramme Multiannual Programme 2023-2027 · Chips JU
Esta convocatoria cubre los siguientes temas:
Abierto para entidades legalmente constituidas y localizadas en alguna de las zonas de actuación de cualquiera de los siguientes tipos:
Las entidades u organizaciones que participen deberán disponer de su sede social en el ámbito geográfico siguiente:
La previsión de financiación comunitaria disponible para la convocatoria de propuestas es: