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Información Europea de Castilla y León
Información Europea de Castilla y León
Programa de Movilidad Específica (TMS) de EURES ( ESF-2024-EURES-TMS)
ExpectedOutcome:The overall objective of this call for proposals is to ensure around 4 000 placements for mobile candidates, in particular of young people.The action targets the filling of hard-to-fill vacancies and labour shortages as identified in national/EU labour market studies or other data sources.The action, being strongly result-oriented, may contribute to: addressing labour market needs, in particular tackling labour markets' imbalances, as well as labour and skills shortages;improving the conditions for jobseekers and workers to exercise their right of freedom of movement across the EU;filling of hard-to-fill vacancies (in the form of either jobs, traineeships or apprenticeships), notably where specific labour shortcomings have been identified;enhancing the service catalogue of the EURES organisations;fostering public-private partnerships within EURES. This call may contribute also to the initiatives and activities in the context of 30th anniversary of EURES in 2024. Scope:The EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) constitutes a European-level labour market measure designed to address labour shortages and hard-to-fill vacancies. It combines tailor-made recruitment, matching, training, and placement services with financial incentives. Support measures may vary based on labour market needs and their analysis. They should include provisions for interviews in another EU/EEA country, relocation, linguistic training, recognition of qualifications, as well as recruitment support. The end beneficiaries may include job changers, job/traineeship/apprenticeship seekers, and recruiting businesses, including SMEs, who may receive direct financial support through targeted allowances.The activities will encompass the provision of direct services to jobseekers and employers, including: information, matching, recruitment and placement; This may include innovative approaches and matching/recruitment methods to identify and reach individuals with particular skills, qualifications or profiles in line with the needs of specific labour sectors affected by labour shortages, in identified area.pre- and post-placement support to customers (e.g., profiling and pre-selection of candidates, assessment of training needs and skills development, providing interview preparation support, offering information and assistance, addressing challenges that may arise during the early stages of employment, regular monitoring and assessing the performance and satisfaction of placed individuals and employers).direct financial support to candidates to contribute to interview and relocation trip expenses, language training, and recognition of financial support to SMEs for training programmes for newly recruited individuals. In this context the activities funded under this call shall support the implementation of the EURES TMS objectives, ensuring the provision of customized employment services, including innovative working methods to: Tackle labour market imbalances, labour, and skills shortages.Facilitate the matching and recruitment process, as well as the integration of mobile workers in the host countries.Provide financial incentives, in compliance with the Annex I ("Implementing Guide").Promote and disseminate activities/results to maximize impacts, addressing the challenges posed by labour shortages in identified economic sectors. 1. Eligible countries: as described in the Call document. • EU Member States (and their overseas countries and territories) ; • EEA countries, in accordance with the EEA Agreement; • EU acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidate countries, in line with the agreements concluded with them. • Third countries having signed an agreement to participate in the strand or a third country listed in the EaSI work programme if necessary for the achievement of the objectives of an action. Do note that for certain calls only EU Member States and EEA countries are eligible 2. Eligibility and admissibility conditions: as described in the Call document. Applications must be submitted before the call deadline and electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System. Paper submissions are NOT possible. Applications (including annexes and supporting documents) must be submitted using the forms provided inside the Submission System. Applications must be complete and contain: - Application Form (Part A) - Application Form (Part B) - Annexes and supporting documents (to be uploaded as PDF files). At proposal submission, the lead applicant will have to confirm that it has the mandate to act for all applicants; that the information in the application is correct and complete and that the participants comply with the conditions for receiving EU funding (especially eligibility, financial and operational capacity, exclusion, etc). Before signing the grant, each beneficiaries and affiliated entities will have to confirm this again by signing a declaration of honour (DoH). Applications must be readable, accessible and printable, not exceeding [70] pages. 3. Evaluation The award criteria for this call are as follows (full details in part 9 of the call, pages 19-21):
Esta convocatoria cubre los siguientes temas:
Abierto para entidades legalmente constituidas y localizadas en alguna de las zonas de actuación de cualquiera de los siguientes tipos:
La previsión de financiación comunitaria disponible para la convocatoria de propuestas es:
Para más información visita la página web de la convocatoria