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Información Europea de Castilla y León
Información Europea de Castilla y León
convocatoria de propuestas sobre investigaciones digitales ( ISF-2024-TF2-AG-DIGITAL)
ExpectedOutcome:The expected results include:- solutions to increase and enhance reporting of cybercrime to law enforcement authorities implemented.- capacity and ownership of digital tools, including future maintenance, to EU Law Enforcement Authorities, including EU Agencies, formally transferred- capacity of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities to investigate cyber-attacks and cyber enabled crime, for instance through investigative techniques and tools (including for digital forensics) adapted, in particular, to emerging smart environments, enhanced- enhanced capacity of law enforcement to support victims during investigations- enhanced capacity of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities to address the use of encryption by criminals and its impact on criminal investigations,- solutions to enhance the capacity of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities to cooperate across borders implemented- practical mechanisms, systems and tools to enhance the cooperation between private entities and law enforcement and/or judicial authorities, for the purpose of detecting, reporting, investigating and preventing crime and taking remedial action created- accountability of registrars of domain names and ensuring accuracy of information on website ownership increased Objective:The activities to be funded have the following objectives:(1) developing capacity and expertise of law enforcement and judicial authorities and supporting cross-border cooperation;(2) contributing to the implementation of EU law;(3) fostering cross-border cooperation between law enforcement/judicial authorities and private entities. Scope:The project activities should focus on:- developing and implementation of solutions to increase and enhance reporting of cybercrime to law enforcement authorities.- formal transfer of capacity and ownership of digital tools, including future maintenance, to EU Law Enforcement Authorities, including EU Agencies- enhancing the capacity of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities to investigate cyber-attacks and cyber enabled crime, for instance through investigative techniques and tools (including for digital forensics) adapted, in particular, to emerging smart environments.- enhancing the capacity of law enforcement to support victims during investigations- enhancing the capacity of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities to address the use of encryption by criminals and its impact on criminal investigations,- implementing solutions to enhance the capacity of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities to cooperate across borders- setting up practical mechanisms, systems and tools to enhance the cooperation between private entities and law enforcement and/or judicial authorities, for the purpose of detecting, reporting, investigating and preventing crime and taking remedial action- increasing the accountability of registrars of domain names and ensuring accuracy of information on website ownershipSpecific priority areas might be further specified in the call.Cooperation in the framework of EMPACT and with relevant EU Agencies (Europol, CEPOL, Eurojust) and with existing projects to ensure sustainability of results will be considered an asset. Expected Impact:enhanced and increased reporting of cybercrime to law enforcement authoritiesenhanced capacity to use digital tools, following transfer of these tools (including future maintenance) to EU Law Enforcement Authorities, including EU Agencies,enhanced capacity of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities to investigate cyber-attacks and cyber enabled crime,enhanced capacity of law enforcement to support victims during investigationsenhanced capacity of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities to address the use of encryption by criminals and its impact on criminal investigations,enhanced capacity of law enforcement and/or judicial authorities to cooperate across borders implementedenhanced cooperation between private entities and law enforcement and/or judicial authorities, for the purpose of detecting, reporting, investigating and preventing crime and taking remedial action createdenhanced accountability of registrars of domain names and ensuring accuracy of information on website ownership Conditions 1. Admissibility conditions: described in section 5 of the call document Proposal page limits and layout: described in Part B of the Application Form available in the Submission System 2. Eligible countries: described in section 6 of of the call document 3. Other eligibility conditions: described in section 6 of the call document 4. Financial and operational capacity and exclusion: described in section 7 of the call document 5. Evaluation and award: Award criteria, scoring and thresholds: described in section 9 of the call document Submission and evaluation processes: described section 8 of the call document and the Online Manual Indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreement: described in section 4 of the call document 6. Legal and financial set-up of the grants: described in section 10 of the call document Documents Call documents: call document Standard application form ([ToA]) — call-specific application form is available in the Submission System AMIF, ISF and BMVI MGA v1.0 ISF Work Programme 2023-2025 ISF Regulation 2021/1149 EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046 Rules for Legal Entity Validation, LEAR Appointment and Financial Capacity Assessment EU Grants AGA — Annotated Model Grant Agreement Funding & Tenders Portal Online Manual Funding & Tenders Portal Terms and Conditions Funding & Tenders Portal Privacy Statement
Esta convocatoria cubre los siguientes temas:
Abierto para entidades legalmente constituidas y localizadas en alguna de las zonas de actuación de cualquiera de los siguientes tipos:
La previsión de financiación comunitaria disponible para la convocatoria de propuestas es:
Para más información visita la página web de la convocatoria